Stephen Báthory
Persons, originating from Poland

Stephen Báthory

Name in Polish: Stefan Batory
Lithuanian: Steponas Batoras
Born 27 September 1533
Died 12 December 1586
Stephen Báthory is one of the most illustrious elected kings of Poland.

Member of the Hungarian noble Báthory family, ascended the Polish throne in 1575 as the husband of Anna the Jagiellonian, youngest daughter of Sigismund I and Bona Sforza. The reign of the newly elected king was highlighted by a series of wars. Most of them took place beyond Poland's eastern borders.
The domestic situation also ended with a conflict. In 1577 the city of Gdańsk, rebelled against the King in support of
Batory near Pskow, painting by Jan Matejko                 

the Habsburgs. The merchants of Gdańsk relied on the Danish fleet, while Scottish mercenaries strengthened its ground forces. Báthory could not to take the city by force; instead he demanded a tax on the city amounting to two hundred thousand Polish zlotys, which he used for the war against Ivan the Terrible.
In spite of his warlike attitude, Stephen Báthory was perceived as a very tolerant ruler. He never agreed to the persecution of other religions in Poland. In his opinion, the faith was to be spread not by force and persecution, but by preaching and good example.
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Polonica stamps:

Hungary 1992, 28 X
Lithuania 2001, 06 X
Lithuania 2004, 20 III
Lithuania 2006, 01 VII